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Weiand Vintage Style Blower Drive Kit for 6-71 Blower

Weiand is proud to announce the release of its vintage “swing-arm” style blower drive for their 6-71 series supercharger system. This drive style gained notoriety as the standard choice for front engine

dragsters, gassers, and altered of the 1960’s as well as on Mel Gibson’s Interceptor Coupe during the 1970’s cult classic movie Mad Max.

The drive is composed of cast aluminum and comes complete with matching pulleys to augment assembly. The drive kit (part # 7201WND) comes with cover, idler arm, idler pulley, and fasteners. Vintage ½-inch pitch pulleys in 33T, 34T, 36T, and 38T configurations can be ordered separately. The idler pulley (7203WND) and the drive gear cover (7204WND) can also be purchased separately for those who already have parts from a previous blower setup. Weiand currently offers 6-71 superchargers for small block Chevrolet, big block Chevrolet, and Chrysler 392 Hemi applications.

Complete supercharger kits featuring this vintage blower drive will be available in early 2011. Visit www.holley.com for more information, or contact Holley at 1801 Russellville Road, Bowling Green, KY 42101, (270) 781-9741. For the nearest dealer: call 1-800-HOLLEY-1.

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